Recipe1: Download file and save it as local file

This guide explain about how to write a workflow doing following tasks by tumugi.

  1. Download archived daily access logs from remote servers using wget command
  2. Count number of rows group by URI and save result into CSV file

This guide assumes you are using Unix like OS, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, or Mac OS X.


  • Ruby >= 2.1
  • Bundler
  • graphviz


Create Gemfile and write following contents:

source ''

gem 'tumugi', '~> 0.6.3'
gem 'tumugi-plugin-command', '~> 0.3.0'

gem 'ltsv'
gem 'rubyzip'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Define workflow by tumugi DSL

You can define workflow above using tumugi DSL.

require 'ltsv'
require 'zip'

# 1. Archived log download

task :download_log, type: :command do
  param :host, default: ''
  param :log_filename, type: :string
  param :day, auto_bind: true, type: :time, required: true # <= This value is auto binding from CLI parameter

  log_filename {
  command {
    url = "#{host}/data/#{log_filename}"
    "wget #{url} -O #{output.path}"

  output {
    target(:local_file, "tmp/#{log_filename}")

# 2. Count rows group by URI

task :count_rows_group_by_uri do
  requires :download_log
  output target(:local_file, '/tmp/result.csv')
  run {
    counts = {} do |zip_file|
      zip_file.each do |entry|
        entry.get_input_stream.each do |line|
          values = LTSV.parse(line).first
          counts[values[:uri]] ||= 0
          counts[values[:uri]] += 1
    end'w') do |o|
      counts.each do |k, v|
        o.puts "#{k},#{v}"

# Root Task

task :main do
  requires :count_rows_group_by_uri
  run {

Save this code as recipe1.rb, then check this workflow. Tumugi provides DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of workflow visualize feature. show command can visualize DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of workflow like:

$ bundle exec tumugi show -f recipe1.rb -p day:2016-05-02 -o recipe1.png main


Check visualized workflow and it's OK, you can run it.

$ mkdir tmp
$ bundle exec tumugi run -f recipe1.rb -p day:2016-05-02 main

Then you can get result like this:

2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] Parameters: {"day"=>"2016-05-02"}
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] Load workflow from recipe1.rb
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] start workflow: 45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] skipped: download_log is already completed, thread: 70195091864060
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] skipped: count_rows_group_by_uri is already completed, thread: 70195091864060
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] start: main, thread: 70195092510140
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] /api/v1/messages,7150

2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] completed: main, thread: 70195092510140
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] end workflow: 45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] Result report:
|                                           Workflow Result                                            |
| Task                    | Requires                | Parameters                           | State     |
| download_log            |                         | host=        | skipped   |
|                         |                         | |           |
|                         |                         | day=2016-05-02 00:00:00 +0900        |           |
|                         |                         | command=wget https://tumugi.githu... |           |
|                         |                         | output_file=                         |           |
|                         |                         | env={}                               |           |
| count_rows_group_by_uri | download_log            |                                      | skipped   |
| main                    | count_rows_group_by_uri |                                      | completed |
2016-07-11 15:28:39 +0900 INFO [45f23a9a-eb61-4516-ac9c-512bfc21dea7] status: success, command: run, task: main, options: {"config"=>"tumugi_config.rb", "quiet"=>false, "verbose"=>false, "log_format"=>"text", "file"=>"recipe1.rb", "params"=>{"day"=>"2016-05-02"}}